unheard, unseen

Ermestina Sanjur
2 min readNov 26, 2020

Pied Piper

has a cousin we don’t learn about in school

Pied Piper gets all the attention

human hero

with his magical flute

putting the rats in a trance

his melodies impossible to ignore

follow him, follow him

follow him into the abyss

the sound of involuntary suicide

Pied Piper’s cousin has also been blessed

with the gift of music

music as an art

enchantment via music

will always be essential

Pied Piper’s cousin is half man, half goat

who has claimed the woods home

can’t hide his pointy ears

no matter how hard he tries

barba de chivo

well-groomed, strong follicles

wants to look younger longer

early aging aint for him

colita corta atrás

igual de largo que su miembro en frente

hooves leave no traces in the night

only shadows are proof

instead of one solitary flute

he plays with two magic sticks

one for joy, the other to possess

the beats move forward while he hops backwards

full goats approach their shepherd

let us move, let us dance, let us feel uninhibited

find delight in the moonlight

he promises a bounteous feast ahead

full goats savoring imaginary ambrosial dishes

picturing regaling hosts

zero fuss, all laughs

what they don’t know is

the half goat

has a nightly mission

that’s the half man in him, all men come with agendas included

there’s no such thing as a merry quarantine

he misses parties with possums, foxes

get-togethers with brown bears, hedgehogs

cooking with deer, squirrels

choreographing with beavers, snails

protesting with boars, wolves

exercising with moles, butterflies

singing with owls, raccoons

sharing meals with moose, badgers

shopping with skunks, rabbits

studying with snakes, woodpeckers

looking for doves to mess with

admiring their limitless grace

lockdown is not insurmountable

recluse by day

party animal by night

this woodland creature organizes

clandestine events

that look dark on the outside

but are full of life inside

no mere mortal can see or hear

confined to only imagine

Faun by Moonlight. Léon Spilliaert. 1900.



Ermestina Sanjur

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